Thursday, November 20, 2014

November Newsletter

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Fear is not from God

This is our friend, Kim. We met her last year when we went to Slovenia to help with the 2013 English camp. At the time, she was not a believer. She has since surrendered her life to Christ and this is her testimony. She is 1 in 1000. What does that mean? 1 in 1000 Slovene's have a personal relationship with Christ. That means that in her school/work/leisure activities, she will pass by 999 others that do not know God. Please pray for her. Pray that she is a light in the very dark darkness in Slovenia.


Josh and I have made the difficult decision to leave our current church, Vintage Faith Church, to be a part of Harvest Bible Chapel in Gainesville, FL.

Vintage Faith is the church we helped plant. When Josh graduated from college, we immediately moved to his hometown of Chiefland to start ministering to the residents of this small community. VFC has become our family and we honestly thought we were never going to leave it. When we joined Josiah Venture, we knew there would be one day when we would have to leave our church family, but we figured that day would be the day we boarded a one way flight to Slovenia. This decision has come a lot sooner than we expected, but we know it is what God wants us to do at this point in time. We don't know exactly what He has in store, but we do know that He is faithful and His blessings are sure to come.

The Body of Christ

"Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." - 1 Corinthians 12:27
We believe that we are not going alone to Slovenia. We believe that we are taking a team of several hundred people with us to Slovenia. More accurately, our team is taking us to Slovenia. Our support team.

This is how I look at it. Josh and I are hands. We are going to do the difficult work of getting to know, love, pray for, and cry for Slovene students. But that's all we are, hands. Hands stuck to a body without arms would look like a T-Rex and would be pretty useless.

Our support team is the arms. The arms extend the hands out farther to do more effective work. The stronger the arms, the stronger the hands.

So why do we want so many people on our support team? Well, stronger arms. Even if an individual is only giving $10/month and are praying for us, they are adding to the strength of the arms that are taking us to Slovenia. And the most beautiful thing of all? As we get to know, love, pray for, and cry for Slovene's, you will also be getting to know, love, pray for, and cry for these same precious students.

Financial Update

Monthly Support Raised = $120 of $6100 (2%)
Will you consider joining our team to bring the Gospel to Slovenia? We only need 240 individuals to support us $25/month to reach our goal. This is totally possible! Let's do this!
Click here to join our team

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Kim and other Slovene students like her who have a personal relationship with Jesus - pray for blessings on them that they may be a light in the darkness
  • Pray for the other 999 lost sheep who don't know God
  • Vintage Faith Church - pray for leadership to take our place and for God's direction for this church
  • Pray for Harvest Bible Chapel
  • Pray for us during this transition from one church family to another. Pray that we feel accepted quickly and right at home in no time

Year-End Giving

If you are looking for opportunities to make any year-end donations, then look no further (now I sound like an infomercial). All donations to Josiah Venture on our behalf are tax-deductible!
Click here for a year-end donation
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