Sunday, June 23, 2013

T minus 2 days

Here I am.  It's almost midnight, two days before Josh's and my mission trip to Slovenia.  I'm trying to muster up the energy to pack, but I believe that is just going to have to wait until tomorrow.  As I was sitting here, pondering whether I should go to bed or not, I decided that this was a perfect opportunity to post in my blog that has been seriously neglected recently.

On Tuesday, June 25th, a group of nine of us will embark on our trip to Slovenia.  We will get up early, and make the (very) long drive to Miami.  From Miami, we will fly to Dusseldorf, Germany and then to Vienna, Austria.  We will have a full day in Vienna to sight see and the next day we will fly from Austria to Ljubljana, Slovenia.  In Ljubljana, we will have training for several days.  Here we will be trained how to teach English at English Camp.  Once the training is over, will we embark on another long drive to Millstatt, Austria, where English Camp will be held.  We will be staying in a CASTLE (woot-woot)!!  We will be here for a week teaching English, playing games, swimming, hiking, drinking coffee, dancing, connecting with new friends, reconnecting with old friends ("Reconnect" is the theme of the camp), and talk about why we do what we do (Jesus).

After camp, we will head back to Slovenia for a post-camp debriefing.  Once this is over, we have several activities planned for our group, including a day in Croatia (FUN FACT: Croatia is joining the European Union on July 1st)!  And then, on July 12th, we make the long journey back to good 'ol Chiefland, FL.

I am beyond excited about our trip!  I cannot wait to get there and take lots of pictures and make lots of memories and hug lots of friends.  It's going to be a blast!
